Live North of England. Full time working Mum (NHS Finance Manager). Live with husband, two sons and two dogs. Sons 20 and 15. Both vape. Eldest had an extremely problematic teenage years, self harmed, expelled from one High school sent to another. Got to know the CAMHS system very well re diagnosing if son was on the Autistic spectrum. Drugs were involved. I suffered anxiety/depression off sick from work for a few months as a result. Current son had anxiety issues with school in past had suicidal thoughts. Hoping to ‘get him through’ next two years in Mainstream High School (currently feeling every month of it).
Read Red Pill Revolution book then had some consultations with Jeremy re varicose veins (know my issues also include trauma/emotional ones). Did Protocol strictly for 3 months and lost 1 stone in weight (my target weight) then brought dairy back.
Struggling to fast. Not started Borax yet or liver flush. Currently receiving Reiki and Human Design/Human Keys work with 2 lovely NBWJA in-house experts (thought and had recent confirmation that I’m an Emotional Empath)
Hobbies: Posh camping own a van! Dog walking, reading, watching You Tube awake videos on both natural health and the information around the wrong-doing globalists. Love gardening have my own bamboo garden which makes me smile. I love sitting and grounding in it. In the past horse riding (owned own horse). Sailing obtained RYA level 1 and 2 certificate. Haven’t had the jib jab wouldn’t let my sons have the MMR jabs when young.
Passion: To help promote the NBWJA community to devise a healthcare system that works treating the person holistically without pharmaceutical drugs. To be there for the ‘normies and muggle folk’ once they wake up and realise the current world isn’t what they think it is.
Jill xxx (Jill Anna on Discord)